How Leaders Decide a Change is Needed

in Improvement Science, Knowledge, Leadership, Quality as an Organizational Strategy (QOS), Systems

By David M. Williams, Ph.D. Photo by Tetiana SHYSHKINA on Unsplash Have you ever searched your computer hard drive only to be surprised by the number of files and multiple versions of a similar theme? I have hundreds of Microsoft PowerPoint presentations from client engagements, trainings, and conferences I’ve delivered and dozens of Microsoft Word documents of blog […]

QOS: Activity 4 – Planning

in Quality as an Organizational Strategy (QOS)

by David M. Williams, Ph.D. In a recent blog post (here), I shared how Associates in Process Improvement transformed Dr. Deming’s theory of Organizations Viewed as a Production System into a five-part approach known as Quality as an Organizational Strategy. In this series, we’ll take a deeper look at each of the five activities including […]